Quick Divorce Service in Vietnam

Thảo luận trong 'Linh Tinh' bắt đầu bởi bullun, 2/10/21.

  1. Quick Divorce Service in Vietnam

    Quick Divorce Service in Vietnam

    LIÊN HỆ (132 Đọc / 0 Thích / 0 Bình luận)
    1. Thông tin chủ đề
    2. Tỉnh/TP: Toàn quốc
    3. Tình trạng hàng: N/A
    4. Nhu cầu: N/A
    1. Thông tin người đăng
    2. Tài khoản: bullun
    3. Ngày đăng: 2/10/21 lúc 09:33
    4. Số điện thoại: 0906645464
  2. bullun

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    FastEhome.com- Đăng kí mở Shop bán hàng miễn phí no-spam Quick Divorce Service in Vietnam
    If you are in need to divorce with your Vietnamese spouse or you want to divorce quickly but do not have enough time to carry out the procedures as well as come to the Competent Court and do not know how to divorce in Vietnam. The following article may help you to comprehend about Divorce in Vietnam with our Quick Divorce Service.
    1/ What is a quick divorce with foreign elements?
    Divorce is no longer an unfamiliar issue in today’s society. In fact, the rate of divorced couples is increasing due to many factors. Therefore, the divorce process is not easy and you need to consult a divorce lawyer to ensure your rights and interests.
    a) Divorce with foreign elements
    Divorce with foreign elements involves a foreign party or a foreign party, specifically:
    + Divorce between Vietnamese and foreigners;
    + Divorce between two foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam.
    + Divorced with children living abroad;
    + Divorce but assets abroad;
    + Divorce but the litigant is abroad.
    >>> Read more: The procedures of adoption of a Vietnamese child
    b) Divorce lawsuit petition
    - Applications for divorce;
    - Marriage registration certificate (original or certified copy);
    - Department of household registration, ID of spouse card (certified copy);
    - The birth of child certificate (certified copy – if any);
    - Other documents and evidences evidencing common property such as: Certificate of land use right (red book); Vehicle registration; Passbook;… (certified copy);
    2/ The work of our Lawyers to support Fast Divorce Service in Vietnam clients includes:
    Apolo Lawyers is one of leading Divorce Lawyer Service in Vietnam. With professional lawyers in divorce field, we can consult and assist you with the following performances:
    - Advising clients on divorce procedures and legal consequences after having divorced;
    - Advising the client when the client wins custody of the child and requires the other party to perform the support obligation;
    - Advising clients on procedures for property division during marriage, including: common property of husband and wife, separate property, joint debt, separate debt.
    - Prepare divorce petition;
    - Prepare documents and evidences to be submitted to the Court;
    - Join the client at working sessions at the Court or work with the other party to agree on issues in the divorce case;
    - Appoint a lawyer to participate in the court hearing to protect the interests of the client.
    - Assist clients in requesting the enforcement of legally effective divorce judgments.
    The above is the entire work related to the Fast Divorce Service of Apolo Lawyers Law Firm, we promise that when you use this divorce service, the case will be shortened. The decision is very significant, it will be very helpful for clients whose work is far away from the Court or clients who are in urgent need of marriage to build a new family life.
    Apolo Lawyers is known as one of the most prestigious with divorce services inVietnam. If you are in a mess and do not know the divorce procedure and you want to save time, money, effort. Especially, when you choose us, you only need to go to the court once to sign. After 15 days, you will receive a divorce judgment.
    Apolo Lawyers also has many forms of consulting for clients including: direct law advice at the office, email counseling, telephone consultation and many other forms to create the best favorable conditions for clients.
    For customers who cannot directly meet the lawyers, you can choose to consult via Email, or WhatsApp. Our company will offer the most effective solutions for customers, consulting in writing to ensure high accuracy, with legal basis. With the enthusiastic support from the company, the customer will spend not only a lot of time but also travel expenses.
    3/ Contact us for advice on quick divorce procedures in Vietnam
    We provides fast divorce service, customers do not need to go to court many times with the most reasonable service cost. If you need to be consulted, assisted to solve legal issues, please contact us via:
    APOLO LAWYERS - Solicitors & Litigators
    Address: 10th Floor, PaxSky Building, No. 51 Nguyen Cu Trinh Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Binh Thanh Law Office
    Address: 9th/F, Tower K&M Building, 33 Ung Van Khiem St., Binh Thanh Dist., HCM City _____________________________
    Tel: (028) 66.701.709 / (028) 35.059.349
    Mobile 1/ Whatsapp 1: 0939.486.086 | Mobile 2/ Whatsapp 2: 0908.043.086
    Email: contact@apolo.com.vn
    Website: apololawyers.com
    >>> Read more: Foreigners Divorce in Vietnam

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